Offshore Shipping
Alaska - Hawaii - Puerto Rico
Yellowstone can manage your off-shore shipping via ocean going vessels or as air freight. Shipping to offshore points requires Yellowstone to coordinate multiple carriers and modes of transportation.
Yellowstone will arrange for pickup and transportation to the appropriate ocean or air-port and then manage the connection on to an airline or ocean going vessel. Once onboard Yellowstone will trace the shipment to its final port and arrange for delivery to its destination via truck, barge, rail or air.

Shipments bound for Hawaii will land in the Port of Honolulu on the island of Oahu.
Shipments destined for outer islands including Maui, Hawaii & Kauai will be trans-loaded to barges that make regular intra-island voyages. Vessels leaving U.S. west coast ports take five days to get to Oahu and then it is two additional days to arrive at the outer islands.
Upon arrival to the destination island shipments will be transferred to trucks for final delivery. Yellowstone will track the shipments throughout the process and will supply tracking reporting as often as needed to manage customer expectations.

Alaska Delivery
Yellowstone manages Alaskan delivery for customers via ocean service or as airfreight.
The process begins with Yellowstone initiating a local pickup at the origin. Shipments will then move to the Port of Tacoma, WA where they will be tendered to an ocean going vessel. The vessels sail on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Shipments will arrive in Anchorage in four to five days and be trans loaded to a truck, rail or air connection for final delivery to the consignee. A lower cost barge service is also available to Anchorage that departs on Tuesdays but has an eleven to fourteen day transit time on the water. Service to Juneau is also available contact us for schedules.
Yellowstone will track the shipments throughout the process and will supply tracking reporting as often as needed to manage customer expectations.
Puerto Rico DELIVERY
Shipments bound for Puerto Rico will ship from the Port of Jacksonville FL.
Yellowstone will manage all phases of the distribution including transportation from the origin to the port, tendering to the ocean vessel and final delivery in Puerto Rico. All shipments to Puerto Rico will arrive at the Port of San Juan and be trans loaded to trucks for final delivery to the consignee.
Yellowstone will track the shipments throughout the process and will supply tracking reporting as often as needed to manage customer expectations.

Offshore Shipping
Ocean going containers come in a variety of sizes and can be either refrigerated or non-refigerated.
Nomatter what size shipment you need to send Yellowstone will find the right container and type of service to get your shipment to the destination when you need it to deliver.